Practical uses of the Vitalizer WV
The wah and volume pedal tend to degrade the signal and color the tone when high impedance signal is received. The Vitalizer is more effective to be used where the player would like to minimize the tonal change. By sending low impedance signal from the Vitalizer WV to the wah or volume pedal, the player is able to control the vivid signal with minimized degradation on pedals. There are many ways to use this pedal effectively such as at the last position before the amp or first position after the guitar.
In a small chassis
Since the pedal is designed to be placed next to the big chassis pedals such as wah and volume pedal, the Vitalizer WV is in a small chassis (60×73/mm). It can be placed in a small space on the pedalboard and helps prevent degrade the signal. It needs to be used with external power supply when 9V battery is used. It also runs with AC adapter or power supply.